Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)
80 x 40 x 2
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
We know that water is colorless yet we say the ocean is blue.
The sky is air which is colorless and appears to have no substance, yet we say it is blue and include it in landscapes as if it actually exists.
My work explores these assumptions and the relationship between perception and reality.
In “Splash” I’ve used blue paint strokes to show what it feels like to be moving in water.
The imagery of legs and feet included at the top of the painting support the illusion of the churning water while the height of the painting supports its perspective, yet the graphite drawings on paper “legs” are collaged on top of the blue paint…not in the water.
It seems that our ideas of reality are imposed on our surroundings and define them…not the reverse. This realization is compelling and drives much of my art-making.
Carol Roseman
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