Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Oil)
31 x 31 x 2
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
I’ve always been captivated by the intricate designs I see around our city. I decided to paint one such scene - a neighborhood with its multiform pattern of colors and shapes running up a hillside. In this scene there was naturally the question of the telephone pole. In making a preliminary sketch I decided I liked it right where it was and as I proceeded, it became obvious that the pole was not only the physical but also the thematic center of the painting. I was painting its portrait. As I detailed it, bringing it into relief, all other elements pushed into the background.
Telephone poles have their own totemic presence in our lives. Their wires connect us and illuminate our world. The painting takes a closer look at something we often ignore or disparage. Yet the poles and their wires create their own interesting abstract forms and unique beauty.
Bruce Katz
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