Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Acrylic)
36 x 48 x 1.5
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
My artistic source is my life. Everywhere I go I notice things that pierce me. That day it was the crushed cars being transported to their graves.
I was struck by the rough beauty of the folded forms and of the wisdom and intimate stories that they held. The cars at the top of the pile were quite old and certainly carried generations on many journeys. Adding a layer of intrigue, was the third car from the top stamped with the words “For Official Use Only, U.S. Government.” The red car seemed newer and bore the weight of its elders with the strength of youth. As I painted, I imagined the lives of the passengers and what had transpired within.
I don’t see death when I look at these cars. I see faithful companions that hold and keep secret the complex stories of life.
Sandra Cassayre
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