Feast of Colors
Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)
30.5 x 38 x 2
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
Dmitry Grudsky’s Artist’s Statement
Creating art is a pillar that gives me a strength and meaning in life, comforts me in difficult moments, and motivates me.
My art is a journey that mirrors my reactions to the world, my emotions, feelings, and obsessions. The context of my work changes as time passes on. Currently I am fascinated by performers acting on the stage, in studio setting or in urban environment.
In the portraiture genre I like to paint storytelling portraits that relate to the viewer and create a dialogue.
I am working in a water medium, which encompasses traditional watercolor technique and mix medium art. It is determined by the particular project that calls for a specific structure or textural approach.
I believe that I achieve my best painting result when my inspiration comes from real life observation, real characters, or circumstances in which I was personally involved.
Dmitry Grudsky
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