I Was Born to Stand Out
Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Other)
37 x 49.5 x 2
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
Smoke and Mirrors; a visual musing on the obsession with the promotion
of deception, through the phenomenon of the “selfie.”
The term, Smoke and Mirrors, is based on magicians' illusions, in which
magicians make objects appear or disappear by extending or retracting
mirrors amid a distracting burst of smoke.The expression may have a
connotation of virtuosity or cleverness in carrying out such a deception.
But these millions of images of self; multiple ideations of the same person
in a variety of expressions, attitudes, costumes, mostly carry no cleverness
or virtue. They are merely self promotion and posturing.
Another term that comes to mind,“blowing smoke”, means that someone
conceals the truth, that they are exaggerating, or boasting.
Given our current political climate, I find this a very fitting commentary..
Gwen C. Manfrin
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