Can You Hear Me Now?!
Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Mixed Media)
24 x 18 x 1
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
My journey as a black artist is synonymous with my life as a black man. Even though I thought at one point in life, I could separate the two, art became my superpower so I could navigate through a society that saw me as a pariah. The piece “Can You Hear Me Now” was finalized after the hideous murder of George Floyd. Thinking back to my times always living apologetically black and having to go through life “acting as if” I am ok, this piece is the result of many disappointments, frustrations and the list goes on and on. All those pinned up emotions finally exuding out onto the page. “Can You Hear Me Now” is an exclamation of all men of color saying we are tired of the status quo and are living life “Unapologetically Black!”
Orin Carpenter
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