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Two-Dimensional Wall Art > Paintings (Acrylic)
51.5 x 41.5 x 2
Artwork #
Artist's Statement
This painting depicts the trials and tribulations of making a decision among many societal and personal influences and deemed pressures.
It also wonders at the age and ages of wisdom, as evidenced by the rows of numbers, the years lived.
As a self-taught artist, my approach to this work sustains a life-force reflected in the uses of colors and abstractions.
All colors are vibrations; I look for the proper combinations that reflect the moment of the soul that I am striving to understand and thus portray.
As an individual I am an eternal optimist.
In this present time of increased uncertainty and self-reflection, this has a greater meaning and depth than ever before.
History shows that the turn of the century is full of chaos and strife, and we are now tasked to carry such weighted bags of merchandise and intentions.
Kate Razo
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